Bolulla City Council organizes the Santa Lucía Fair to promote the town and establish bonds of friendship and exchange with citizens of Scandinavian countries, where Santa Lucía is a very important festival, unknown in our latitudes, which represents the arrival of light and the end of the longest night of the year and thus ratifies a popular saying of the town: “Per Santa Llucia a pas de pussa, per Nadal, a pas de gall” referring to the fact that from Santa Lucía the day begins to lengthen. The Santa Lucia Fair is the second weekend of December. In this fair you will find international products made by foreign residents such as English and German sweets, as well as typical dishes of the town such as puxero de pilotes, carabassa bunyols or minxos a la paleta. Also crafts, Christmas centers and other details ideal for gifts and everything at a price … xicotet com el poblet!